Mail to Messy

By Horomaka

Taken on Water

With the rest of Diamond Harbour Camera Club heading on a field trip to Birdlings Flat on Saturday afternoon (a date which I cannot make due to prior commitments) I decided that I'd go a long a day early to get some shots so at least I'd have something for our next show and tell.

The Nor'Wester was blowing when I arrived, and only intensified during my visit. My tripod buffeted so much by the wind, to get steady shots meant leaving VR enabled on the Nikon or shooting handheld at fast shutter speed. Not a great combo in the failing light. Still the waves were stunning, and it was fascinating watching the gulls and terns get airborne (and stay in flight) with the gusts.

Strangely, moving off the beach managed to yield get some better results. Walking along the eel gravel traps I spied this tiny row boat on the Lake Forsyth shoreline. Its collection of green rainwater gave the impression that this vessel hasn't been seen off the shore for some time...

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