Anyone for lunch?

But only if you're a child.
A busy day. After getting the washing out and almost burning some blackcurrants I went off to do some shopping, more mosaic and handing out the bairns' lunches. Less takers than some days but some more went after the pic was taken.
Back home I had lunch, unpacked an order with 2 mini water pumps and re-assembled their fountains, 1 indoor and 1 out, both work.
Scarified part of the lawn, now there's been some rain the grass is growing so it needs to get through the moss etc (though I'm not fanatical about moss removal, I would never win).
Turned the blackcurrants into jam, a bit runny as I put in too much water after having not put in enough this morning!.
Then off running, our newest member decided she was doing 5 miles so we added a wee bit to the route to get her there. (5k to 5miles in less than 2 weeks, she's keen!).

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