Doodling is good for the soul...
When I came downstairs this morning Alan was in a right giggly mood. He found everything absolutely hilarious! When he's like that I often wonder what's going on in his head? What is he thinking about that makes him laugh so much?
I do ask him but of course I am relying on his response to closed questions so the best I could get out of him was that he was laughing at something really silly that had happened with one of his team members but he would't tell me which one (although he might have given the game away by laughing when I suggested it was Christine, even though he indicated no! :-)
After lunch I shut myself in the studio and had a massive tidy up of my desk. It was such a guddle and I can't work in a mess. Shuffled stuff about in some storage drawers to create more storage space and voila! My desk was clear apart form the materials I planned to use.
Continued working on the three paintings I was working on yesterday. Ruined one. Sigh. I really have to learn to step away! Actually I really have to learn not to paint until I have planned it properly. I know the random approach doesn't work for me but still I persevere! Tsk! The other two paintings aren't much better, but may be salvagable. I will put them away and come back to them when I am less cross with myself!
It wasn't all bad. I finished this little fantasy flower painting the other day, well l thought I had finished it but as I slipped it into its cellophane protector sleeve, the urge to doodle on it overwhelmed me. I was determined not to doodle on this one as I liked the toning of the petals and didn't want to scribble on them, but in the end I couldn't resist. And I am glad I did it as by the end my mood was much brighter and all was well with the world, so it's official....doodling is good for the soul :D
I was in such a good mood afterwards I even completed a painting for a friend who got in touch to ask if she could buy a recent painting I'd done of cats the she saw on my FB, but it had already gone to it's new owner. I've painted a similar one for her so hopefully get it mounted and ready to send to her at the start of next week.
And I also got a chunk of Nikki's bed throw crocheted today. I think I've finally found my stride with it. It's her birthday late August so I have challenged myself to have it done by then. I think I really do need a deadline to make me get on with things, although the phrase I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they fly by... rings true with me too!
Homemade chicken curry for dinner and finally reached the end of Season 4 of Outlander! Woo hoo! Bring on Season 5! :-))
Oh and Duran Duran closing the opening ceremony of the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham. SUPERB! Still as big a fan as I was age 15 :-)))
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