Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

White Rose

Had a few minutes to spare so I did a couple of shots of the flowers I bought for Gail this week (Its been a really tough week for her so I thought on Wednesday that she was going to need a little cheering up - I know, I'm a big softie!).

It was a difficult choice of shot - I had a few really nice slower shutter shots that were deliberately blurred but this image just edged it. Just a tiny bit of sharpening applied in PS otherwise straight from the camera. I set custom white balance for these shots - it was spot on. I'd got so engrossed though I very nearly forgot to go and pick Jonathan up from football training. Thankfully they are always late finishing. I got there just as they appeared of the pitch.

Hopefully a relaxing afternoon which makes a big change for Saturdays. Most are hectic chasing around getting things done. It might be a couple of hours with Jeff Stelling - one of the best things on tv!

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