
Not sure which to blip tonight. The flower was the original intention but I was justing doing a few composition images before deciding which way to go when the sun went behind some large dark clouds. Do I wait or do go with this.

As I have a large glass of red wine (medicinal), I thought I'll come back if the light returns.

The day was going pear shaped after a little discussion with the boss this morning. I think it turned out right in the end. Having started to plan the next stage in a project by creating some structure and strategy it was felt that we don't have time for that. My view is the the adage, "Fail to plan, then plan to fail". If we don't grasp the complexities of what we need to do long term and define a structure and framework within which to work, even if we end up ignoring them in the short term, we're making a rod for our own back. If, in delivering the short term requirements we can adopt the longer term tools as far as is possible we won't have to redo things again, and again, and again...

I think we got onto the same page by the end of the day.

Anyway, I have to part with my new friend I looked after overnight. Will be sad to see it go.
Happy blipping one and all!

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