Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Sea Lion Colony

Today was a day of great surprises.  We had headed out to Murphy’s Haystacks to see the amazing rock formations where I would have an opportunity to fly the Drone safely. (See Extra). Mauzee just happened to read the information brochure on Streaky Bay and realised that we were within 45 minutes of Point Labatt that has the largest breeding colony of Sea Lions in the world.  We were absolutely blown away when we arrived at the Point.  This was after a sensational drive around the shores of Baird Bay that was like a mill pond.  Honestly, I could fill a photo book with the images we took.  It was a breathtaking sight and if you look closely you will see a large number of the seals who were basking themselves in the sun at the end of the rock platform that was also home to dozens of sea birds. This country never ceases to amaze me and on this trip we are being thoroughly spoilt with the amazing natural beauty and creatures that we have seen.
Tomorrow we are off to see the whales and their calves in what is virtually the Maternity Ward for the Southern Right Whales.

DAY 11
260km 2848
Tonight we are in Wirangu Country

This is a back blip as we had poor reception yesterday.  That’s one of the hazards of travelling to remote areas.

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