Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

The Maternity Ward

Today was always going to be one of the major highlights of our trip to WA.  On the way we knew we would turn left at the Head of the Bight and travel the 12km to the Head of the Bight where the Southern Right Whales would be with their newly born calves.  We weren’t disappointed.  It was a sparkling day and the water was crystal clear.  We could see at least 10 whales and their calves when we first arrived and they were just leisurely swimming around in the bay in front of us.  (See extra). We ended up spending nearly 2 hours there as it was just so inspiring and at the same time quite emotional.  A day we will never forget and were so happy that we were there together taking it all in.  Then it was the long trip across the Nullarbor until we reached Madura after crossing the Western Australian/South Australian border..  We ended up in a very quiet camp site on top of the range overlooking the valley below.  Believe me we were in bed around 7.30 and I don’t remember a thing :)

DAY 11
78dkm Total Travelled - 3631
Tonight we are in Mirning Country

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