
By MerlotsDad

Do You Mind Dad - I'm Trying to Eat my Lunch !!

What a day !
It started early when the doorbell went at 1245 this morning. Nicola had been out on the town & had locked herself out and we had the spares !
At 545am the phone went to say that Carol's mum had had a fall & was on her way to A&E with a bump on the head & a sore knee. Carol met the ambulance at Stoke Mandeville hospital where she remained until about 1120 when she came home. Daph's head is black & blue & will be discharged a little later on - all being well.
I have spent the morning looking through pensions & believe me when I say it is a minefield - just make sure you pay plenty of money in chaps !
The weather has changed overnight from being bright warm & clear to being dark & wet. We've just had a heavy hail storm & Merlot was yawing at the door & was a bit wet & bedraggled when I let him in, so I gave him a quick rub down & gave him his lunch. As you can see I interrupted him mid nosh.....
He's finished now and after chasing a ping pong ball around the kitchen has gone out again.

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