
Spent the morning sitting in L & J's garden in Sibford, drinking coffee and blethering. L's veg patch survived the heat during their recent absence in France due to a chum doing watering duties - but the runner bean teepee had been severely grazed, although only up to a certain height. See extra - as high as the muntjac could manage. Also on the grass at the right was the evidence of a sparrowhawk attack - all that was left apart from the feathers was the crop. J still v frail but amazingly recovering from his 'touch' of heatstroke.

Then on down to Oxford to attend our friend Derek Goldrei's funeral in Mansfield College. Some good music (including Ivor Cutler and the Rolling Stones) and lots of anecdotes about D, some of them hilarious. Several people used the phrase "larger than life" and I can't think of anyone it applies to better.

There were many people there who I know but didn't get the chance to speak to (two of them visible in this photo). Had managed to park on the street right outside Mansfield, but this was for a maximum duration of two hours (£12!!) and the event in the chapel lasted 1.5 hours. So had to leave almost immediately after, without toasting D. Shall have to do that at a later date, probably in the Vaults, which he loved. Managed to give Lindsey a huge hug from me and D though, which was the main reason I went.

Back around 40 m up the M40 to sleep.

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