Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

I felt really well when I woke up this morning so I took another test and whilst, yes, there are still two lines, the lower one is so much fainter than it was, which I can only assume to mean that it's almost gone and I am less infectious than I was. Fingers crossed it has disappeared completely by Sunday evening/Monday morning.

For the vast majority of my adult life I have lived in ethnically diverse / multicultural neighbourhoods. Bedford appears to be right up there at the top although some statistic claims that Deptford High Street is the most multicultural street in the whole of London. Perhaps the difference then is between street and neighbourhood.
Anyway, I am therefore very familiar with “back home” grocery stores including West African, South Asian, East European, West Indian, Italian, Japanese, Turkish etc. You get the picture.
But never once have I stumbled across an Irish store. Today I did, complete with Tayto crisps, Barry's tea, Boland's lemon puffs and TK red lemonade.
I still believe that English airports should have vending machines selling nothing but jars of Marmite.

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