The Church of St. Michael at Pälkäne

This 'straight contact' -type church is no longer in use, but kept as a monument for work and spirit of past generations.

The exact year of construction of this old church of Pälkäne is not known, but it is likely to be completed at the end of 15th century. The church was never vaulted with bricks, but the ceiling was made of wood. It was first the church of chatolic dominican botherhood, but during the reformation in 1500's the lutherans took over. There still can be seen painted decorations, if you dare to go in. In the south-west corner of the church area, by the old road, there was a wooden belfry which was later torn down. In 1506 the church was provided with two wooden sculptures which today can be seen in National Museum in Helsinki.
In wartime (1713) the church was robbed, and it took decades before it was somehow restored. In 1836-39 a new church was built to the town and this old one was left to fall into decay.
Measures to repair the church ruins were initiated n the 1930's and continued in 1950's. After the reparation have been completed, this ruin church is now a monument. It is not wise to go in the church, though, as some of the stones are heard to be a bit loosen...

Sunny and quite warm day, +8c. I was woken up at 5am as All Of The Outdoors Birds Were Singing Wery Loudly around the neighbourhood... Yes! Marvellous! nothing to do, but enjoy! At 6am the birds had sung apparently all there was to sing at sunrise and almost a silence landed. And I went back to sleep for a while.
This is the finnish spring.

Lovely weekend to you all!
Take care!

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