
By HeartFreek

1st Get well card!!!!

I know, I'm probably boring you all now, but this journal is about my life and just recently my life has been turned upside down! So I shall continue to document what I can

The interesting thing about confusion is, how honest you become as your too confused to lie about anything. I might not make sense sometimes, but everything I say I believe to be very true!!! Weird!

Anyway, feeling a bit better today. Bit more with it. No concept of time yet and terribly forgetful. Slept most if the day. Daughter number1 made me some toast which I really enjoyed.

Had a visit from another bestie. You know who your best mates are at times like this. It's the ones who ignore you when you say your too poorly for visitors, because they just want to check your ok and happy to take you as you come!! I'm so grateful for those people. Mandi gave me my first get well card! I was complaining I didn't have any!!!! Not sure why!! Cos I'm nutty!! She also gave me a bag of very thoughtful goodies. Bubble bath called sleep!!! Shower jel called spirit lifter, chocolate and cider. Both my fav!! Thank you Mandi ( ladybass) I love you.

Other news, if your still reading!!!!i blipped the nesting blackbirds a few days ago. Last week even, god knows when,...... They were making a terrible fuss the other day. I thought the cat had got in the nest. The activity around the nest outside my bedroom window had decreased, then today, I saw junior!!!!! Sitting on the log roll in the garden being fed by daddy!!!!!! Amazing sight and really cheered me up!!! Tubby little thing he is. So all that fuss must have been him flying the nest the other day and parents a bit stressed by it!!!! Will he come back to the nest or is that it now? He's hiding in the daffs at the bottom of the garden, being fed last nights left over nann bread!!!!!!!

Pic of my card and photo if me when I was healthy. That person seems so far away!!! But she's coming back. xXx

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