Playground antics

Spent today looking round furniture stores with Mr S and No 3.

Made Pizza for tea (and rather good it was too!) thanks to my favourite Kitchen Aid.

No 2 met some friends to go shopping and asked if she could bring them home for an hour. 'No problem'....10 minutes later - 3 boys about 6 ft each were leaving their Size 10 shoes by the back door - wafting past me in a haze of 'Lynx'.

Thank goodness I didn't have to feed them too!

Oh - there was another girl !

They were lovely. Very polite, and played in the garden with No 3.

So - here is our back garden....more functional than beautiful. Far too many toys. One day I will have a grown up sophisticated outside dining area.

View Large (L) to spot Fluff the Rabbit and No 3 swinging.

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