
By KCNQ2Haiku

Giant sheep??

Swim; fast lane; lunch; hike; 
giant sheep; downhill for cake.
Hot chocolate highs :-/

We're staying in a village that has a local house with a pool that they hire out, it has a fast lane machine which creates a kind of rapids effect in the small pool. Ben loves it and honestly, I'm a big fan :-D So we had a swim today and Ben did brilliantly, last time we swam here he managed about 30 mins but today we did 45 mins and he was happy and engaged.  He got washed and dressed nicely and it was a total win.  Except for how tired I was afterwards..  After lunch we went up towards Melmerby Fell again and got even further along the route, managing Ben's diabetes on trips like this is a challenge, I feel I have to carry enough juice to cover him if he was to have a hypo (low blood sugar) and poor Mr KCNQ2Haiku carried the bag today! I also packed a full first aid kit, raincoats and 2 bottles of water - I might be a fretter!! But it's good to be prepared?!  Whether I was just tired or generally losing the plot, I noticed the sheep poo was getting bigger, the higher we climbed... We considered the possibility that something happens to faeces at altitude?? Or, as we inevitably decided, there must be secret giant sheep up in the hills. As the name suggests, they are secret, so we didn't see them.. but still.. interesting discovery. There was coffee and cake at the bottom of the hill, the hot chocolate for Ben was not good for his blood sugars, so we're still battling that.. but that's a fairly standard situation.  Overall a successful holiday day :-D 

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