doon the watter

The sun came out this afternoon after a morning of heavy drizzle. When life gives you water, go to a that’s what I did. After a leisurely morning, I caught the bus to Whiting Bay and walked up to the spectacular Glenashdale Falls (see extra) and the Neolithic Giants Graves chambered Cairns. The rain gave the scene an atmospheric (wet) feel. I ate some wild raspberries on the way down the zig zag path which wasn’t even made last time I was here (March 2020).

Another bus in the opposite direction conveyed me to Brodick and some better weather. After a late lunch and a look around, I walked up the Fairy Glen and back to Lamlash. Tomorrow is meant to be a fine day so I shall hopefully get a view from the top of Goat Fell (the hill which this couple are gazing at).

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