
Just had to change my photo after seeing this rainbow tonight
The rest is about the extra

I can bore people on quite a number of subjects, but my specialty is tomatoes.
I can talk for hours about the different varieties, the sowing and planting of them, the different kinds of compost, the growing of them and the eating and cooking of them.
Are you still awake!!
This year’s crop seems to be about three to four weeks later than usual which seems strange in that we have had quite a bit of sun over the last couple of months.
However, they seem to have all started ripening at once and this is today’s haul. ( I do have 25 plants in various places)
They will be used in sandwiches, salads, soups, and anything else beginning with “S”
The dark coloured ones are Black Russians- very tasty
The little orange ones are Sungold- very sweet
The yellow ones are Little Sun
The striped one is Tigeralla
And the rest are Shirley

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