
By KathyH58

August 4

I had to drop off the wheelbarrow and some tools at a jobsite tonight, it was only a short detour to drive around Rainbow Haven beach to see what birds would be around the marsh. I found these cormorants preening and drying their wings on some rocks.
Another hot day and the heat warning is expected to last until Sunday.
One of the jobs we were at today, the client brought out some ice and cold vitamin water for us. So we took a break and sat under some trees. 99% of my clients are very understanding, and they expect us to take breaks when it is hot. We finished working around 1 pm again today. Tomorrow might be a bit longer, we have some mulch to spread and it will be delivered around 11 am.
I stopped to order mulch today and there was supposed to be one other delivery before me. But the manager was there, he wants my business, so he will do the delivery for me before he does the other one.

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