
By KathyH58

August 5

This morning was foggy and made it easier for working. Just as we finished around 1 pm the fog burned off and it was hot again.
I got a few errands done this afternoon. I couldn't decide what I wanted for supper, so I decided to go to Subway, get a sandwich, then go down to the waterfront to eat. I didn't know it at the time, but there was a thunderstorm and hail warning in effect while I was there. I watched some interesting clouds move thru, but no rain from them.
I had a quick walk along Portland St, there had been a chalk artist there and todays blip is one of his creations.
I was supposed to do a quote tonight, but just as I turned down their street there was a flash of lightning followed closely by a clap of thunder. It was only a light rain though. I immediately called my customer and postponed our meeting. I don't mind being out in the rain, but prefer to be safe inside during a thunder and lightning storm.
That's all we had though was one flash of lightning and a couple of millimeters of rain, barely enough to wet the ground.

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