Cow Shelter

What a hot day and what a hot night we had yesterday. I did not sleep at all. I tried, but got up again after two hours in bed.

Finally some rain in the very early morning hours (2:30 am) and I was sitting on the sofa listening to it, but it did not cool off. Useless to go to bed again, simply too hot to sleep. Did my exercises on Duolingo and got a few lessons done.

Despite open windows and doors the heat was captured in the rooms at home and it was even worse in the office. When I opened the office door at 7 am a wave of hot air rolled over me; I held my breath until I had opened the windows and stood outside in the hallway for a few minutes. It was beyond description.

But then it rained a little more in the morning and now in the early evening it is finally a bit cooler and the wind is blowing the heat out of the rooms. Only a short break over the weekend, more sun and heat expected next week (and no more rain).

The cows were still gathering under the trees when I drove home after work. They are always standing there, the same spot where I blipped a big last puddle in June during another heatwave. Makes me think that this is the coolest and shadiest spot for them.

It would be great to get some sleep tonight - it has not been more than 2 or 3 hours in many recent nights because of the heat.

19:25; 25°C

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