Big Hill

By bighill

A Challenging day!

We had to go up to Sydney this afternoon, for me to do blood work then have an MRI....nothing too worrisome, just thought we should be attentive to my back and now that it has been 4 years since back surgery, perhaps it's a good time to do a check up.

Well, i tell you, even with a little help from lorazopane it was a rather challenging hour that i spent inside the machine.   You are totally surrounded by the machine....the noise is unbearable...even with ear plugs etc., and you have to lay perfectly still for an hour!!!   The first 15 or so minutes it took all my meditative strength to let myself be there....dry mouth, heart thumping.....but maybe about 20 minutes in i began to settle into it...sort of!   got myself a few mantras...."I am safe, I am brave, I am strong"   over and over i repeated them to myself.   It also helped to focus on the lovely cool feeling of the fan on my arms, otherwise it was pretty damn hot in there!   Anyway, suffice to say i was totally overjoyed to finally here the technician say...."all done".....he was actually very entertaining.  Often the folks doing these nerve wracking procedures have a wicked sense of humour, and this guy did just that.

Afterwards Terry and i did a bit of shopping....i was really excited to find good quality canvases at Michael' one get one free!!!  i got 4!

Home again, rum and coke and cheese and crackers on the back porch and i feel just fine now!!!

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