Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd


At last! M and I are having a break, in Copenhagen!

It’s been a while since either of us have ventured abroad and we’re particularly giddy about the whole thing! Good vibes everywhere!

We set out from a very stressful and scruffy Manchester Airport this morning and arrived about 90 minutes later at the serene and welcoming Copenhagen Airport. We both immediate felt a weight lifting off us.

We’re staying in a beautiful flat in Christianshavn, with a lovely organic supermarket/deli across the road, a fantastic café/coffee shop a couple of minutes walk in one direction and a wonderful bakery a couple of minutes in another direction. Perfect.

Everyone has been friendly, smiley and welcoming, and we’re already having a great time. The weather is good, the architecture is gorgeous, the city feels comfortable, relaxing and very bike-centric. We’re loving our immediate neighbourhood and we can’t wait to explore more of the city over the next few days.

Here are a few shots from our initial wanderings. Our flat is just above the shop with the cargo bike outside.

Those of you who know that I spent much of my childhood in Bognor, will be thrilled to know that the Danish for Booknerd is Bognørd!

Here’s Scott Walker with, what else? ‘Copenhagen’

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