Mile 21

These sculptures, made from old rail & other pieces of scrap iron, are used as mile markers - & benches - along the Marriott's Way from Norwich to Aylsham & highlight the path's origin as a railway line.

Another bright, warm day & we walked from the 5 van campsite (itself originally Cawston station) at Cawston to Reepham via Booton, then back along the Marriott's Way. Luckily there were plenty of shaded sections - but unluckily S injured his paw fairly early on in the walk. We couldn't find any obvious cause but, on back tracking a little, thinking we'd have to abort the walk, we noticed a wasps' nest in a hole in the ground, so deduced he'd been stung. After a rest & some water he seemed OK to go on & he made it around the 6 mile circuit without any further problems. I don’t even carry a human first aid kit on short walks like this, & have never thought of one for S - spaniels just cope!!

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