Take on me….
The pool championship continues….
We had a. Busy day…. Up early, up to the allotment, couple of hours in; then home, shower, into the town, library book Swapover … over to sainsbury, swop out the wrong clothes… but of shoppong; home. Eat something and then Number 47 for some pool.
Five games later Tooli was declared the champions… afternoon was only spoilt by a vile tasting zero alcohol beer and some very drunk lads who came in and took our chairs while we played pool, and sat and swore and spilt drinks.
The atmosphere changed from one of fun and laughter to deep discomfort. So we left; telling the barman that his clientele were awful.
We went and ordered Chinese and had another drink on another bar and forgot all about the hoodlums.
Now we are home for our End Of Season binge on Stranger Things!
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