
By Beewriter

Saying Goodbye

It was Terry’s funeral today. He was such a lovely man. To be taken so suddenly and so so quickly is how we all want to go, but to be taken so suddenly and so quickly is how we never want loved ones to go. The words that were spoken at the crem were so lovely and the stories that were shared about him must have both made Sue’s heart swell and break at the same time.

To carry your friend on his final journey into the crem must have been so hard and that was when I first shed a tear. When a recording of Terry singing Hold On was played I wept. When I saw a huge strong man wipe tears from his face, I cried. When I watched Sue leave the crem and turn back falteringly for one last look at his coffin, I cried.

Lou had picked me up and she drove us on to the cricket club. I gave my phone to the woman behind the bar to start the playlist I had made with Sue and then I tried to load the PowerPoint I’d made for her with all the photos she had given me. It didn’t work. She had given me one job and it didn’t work. I was sweating and I could have wept. The woman behind the bar came to the rescue eventually and managed to download it onto her old laptop. We got it working on one of the tv screens, thank goodness.

There were so many people there. All his golfing buddies wore their bright golf tops. There were two sessions out at work and they did a minutes silence at 1pm which I thought was a beautiful thing to do. It was a lovely send off for a lovely, lovely man. X

Pindi sent me photo of Amber in the little dress I had bought for her.

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