Hot Dog

Pleased with myself today. Had to see the doctor about a 'man's problem' and he said I am important!

Took my son J, to see the new bungalow today. 

We had a great Sunday roast in the pub and walked around the village. It was sunny and very warm. 

Some kind person had put out a bowl of water for dogs, which Hollie enjoyed enormously. But she was a bit nervous of the straw dog who was watching closely! 

Back home we watched the final events of the Commonwealth Games. Bitter sweet feelings tonight but overall very successful. 

Then we drank Pimms while J strummed his guitar. Pimms and Norwegian Wood, perfect!

Before bed I took some quick snaps of the moon and felt it deserved a showing (extra)

While I was at the doctors earlier, I asked for some cream for my spots, but he said he doesn't like to make rash decisions....

Goodnight, sleep tight. Have a good week everyone. 

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