The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Early Birds With No Worm

Dear O'H dear & Lovely Tea Jenny,

Victor and I went to Glasgow and did the last few jobs in The Eldest Mini Princess’s flat. That’s it all done*. It looks brilliant and I am so excited for her.

It was a pretty long day. I had a whole 5 mins to get changed and back out as Kitty Cat and Marsh were hosting a Mexican night which meant dinner and tequila.

Now, in case you don’t remember, I HATE tequila. It may have something to do with an unfortunate incident about 30 years ago which ended with me being sick out of a taxi window but let’s not dwell on that. Regardless, I hate the stuff.

Nick had brought a couple of very expensive bottles of ‘sipping tequila’. I was assured of the smoothness but ultimately, smoother paint stripper is still paint stripper, so I abstained and taxi drivers across Edinburgh breathed a collective sigh of relief.

We left at 2:30 am after a brilliant night. We were the first to leave but at that point there was some discussion about eating the worm in one of the bottles so it seemed like the right time to go!


*other than the shower room being replaced but that’s above my pay grade.

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