Boris the Spider

Came across this chap loitering in the sink in the garage. Must have been a good couple of inches across! Unfortunately, having got into the sink, he couldn’t get out. My solution of turning on the taps was overruled by Mrs C and she fished it out with a jug before releasing it outside. She released it into next door’s garden, working on the basis that this would mean it wouldn’t be able to find its way back to our house. I’ve never heard of “homing spiders”, but better safe than sorry I suppose.
It’s been rather warm this afternoon. Luckily, we went to the gym before lunch, when it wasn’t too bad. However, I’m off to play rehearsal tonight. I go on the motorbike because it’s easier to park, but I’m not looking forward to putting all the clothing and boots on in this heat. Still, as long as I’m moving at a decent speed, there will be a cooling breeze.
Talking of rehearsals, new songs for the band are being discussed. Happy with the choices, but I would like the chance to run through them at least once before our next gig at the end of the month. Though it’s proving somewhat difficult to agree a time when all six of us are free to get together, so I’ll just have to hope we’re all learning the same version!

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