Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

What No Carrots?

Well yes Magic there was carrots and you would have got yours if you hadn't jumped out the hutch straight away.

It was so funny as soon as I opened the door Magic jumped out but Kirk waited for his breakfast and on finding the carrots grabbed them and hid them in the bedroom part of the hutch (Magic did find Kirks secret stash).

Jeeves and Wooster had fun outside and Dad finished digging the hole for our wildlife pond. I on the other hand have been feeling frustrated as I have had to spend most of the day in bed, being outside made me feel sick, standing made me feel sick, sitting also made me feel sick :(

Still feeling a little sick now and have headache but hoping that dinner will help, I am actually going to do a roast, beef for me and Dad and Mr Mouse will get a veggie burger (I don't have any nut roasts left) its going to be strange cooking beef not done it in ages, not to mention a meat roast will be strange as we normally have veggie roasts. (Wondering at what point my sister in law is going to think about menus for her wedding, not sure if she realises that Mr Mouse is about 90% vegetarian now - he still eats sausages, the odd of chicken,beef burgers. In fact I am also mostly vegetarian as well)

Though being in bed all day has meant mooching around on eBay (fingers crossed trying to win a pair of Radley sandals) and I want these

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