Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


My day started at 7.30am seeing the Dr. My bloods came back and I have low kidney function, everything else is ok. She examined me, and had lots of questions. She has given me anti sickness film usually used for  chemotherapy nausea as other ones haven't worked. She is writing to the hospital to see what they say. I've to get bloods taken again on Monday checking my kidneys again. Half an hour later I was walking home. 

Later I tried to distract myself from the sickness feeling, I tidied the flat and went for a sit in the park, starting my new book. 
I then wandered along the walkway, through the long tunnel where the water was freely flowing from the roof and making all sorts of patterns and colours on the wall, quite fascinating. 
Picked up prescription from chemist and wandered home. 

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