Hot Work

It was forecast to be hot this afternoon, and not quite so hot this morning. So mid morning we travelled to the RHS Bridgewater car park and walked to Worsley and back (we didn’t go into the Garden, our next visit can be when it’s a bit quieter).

Our “end point” was the Delph. Volunteers were clearing up weeds and litter, doing a good job. We chatted to a lady who volunteers every Wednesday (they work on various locations along the canal in Salford). It must be really hot work on a day like today.

I’ve always wondered who lives in the two houses which sit isolated above the Delph. Their view must be quite something.

Historical note. This is the point at which two tunnels access the 20 mile plus long underground Canal system, originally opened up by the Duke of Bridgewater to mine the coal. The whole purpose of the Bridgewater Canal was to get the coal cheaply to Manchester, fuelling the start of the industrial revolution there in the second half of the 18th century. The sandstone quarry, now the Delph, must have looked very different then.

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