Look Out

By chrisf

The Blues

A bit of a milestone today. We are now a one car household, J’s Mini Cooper has been bought by a friend. The new owner is his daughter, who has just started her career as a junior doctor at a hospital in central Glasgow. She has a 20 year old Mini, but it fails the low emission tests within the city’s low emission zone. He tells us that she is very excited about her new car. We’re glad “little min” (as J calls it) is going to a good home.

I took a few pics of the Mini this morning, to record its last (part) day here, after I had given it a good valet. It’s officially “starlight blue” and was reflecting well in the bright sunshine. This is part of the lavender hedge adjacent to our drive, which has now largely gone to seed - the occasional bumble bee still finds the odd late flower.,

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