By lizzie_birkett

Ticking Off

We’re getting there with all the tasks to get Tonya and Yurii registered everywhere and settled. They are feeling quite confident about doing things independently now so tomorrow they are going to their Job Centre appointments on there own - after Frank has taken them up a hill - Sharp Edge. He will drop them in Skipton and they will come home on the bus.
I will have a day off, and have time to write!
Today’s poem is half on paper and the rest whirling around in my head! :-)

Today we had to go to the Post Office at Asda in Shipley to collect their residency cards. ✔️
They took the opportunity to look round the supermarket - their favourite thing I think.

It’s been too hot for me to be outdoors today -

Thanks for all the lovely comments, stars and hearts.
Goodnight :-)x

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