By lizzie_birkett

Bye for now...

...gorgeous girls.
This was taken this morning while we were still in bed. Amelia and Lucy come running each morning and peace is shattered.

The rest of the morning was taken up with them packing for home, there was some playing and some arguing. Little Lucy knows how to wind big sister up!
They're both little sweeties and we'll miss them but now they have gone we're enjoying the peace. They are so noisy! :-D))
We'll be going up to babysit at the start of September. 

Now I'm going to tidy up, clean the bathroom and do all the laundry.
Then we can settle down for a quiet evening watching some misery - The Handmaid's Tale :-D))

Thank you all for the comments, stars and hearts over the last few days. They mean a lot.


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