
By HeartFreek

Antibiotic antidote!

Feeling better than yesterday but still exhausted and sleeping loads.
Managed to get my own breakfast without cocking something up. Bio yoghurt to try and put back the normal flora the bloody antibiotics are stripping out. God they are horrible things and whilst I'm grateful for them killing the Bactria in my lungs, I'm not grateful for the other things they do to your body!!!

Had a visit from Lena, another good friend who cycled to see me. Wish I had her energy. She bought me a magazine that I hope to enjoy once iv got my brain back.

Daughter number 1 back at work, hope she can relax there knowing Mummy is ok now! Last time she was at work she had endless phone calls from worried family and friends. Wasn't easy for her.

Think Mr W is struggling. He's not been himself for a few days. He doesn't like doing things on his own and feel he has had enough of playing nurse! I'm trying to be good but feel I bit lost without his comfort.

Jacket spuds in the oven, what can go wrong there?!. Time for a kip before I attempt to fill them.

Night night.


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