1 0 0 0 days

Today's the day ........................ to achieve

Well - this was always going to be the big one for me.

To think that I've managed to assemble one thousand pictures that all tell a story about a day in my life and so are all special to me. I can't believe it really - but I have!

Lots of things have happened to me in those thousand days - most of them just routine, some of them specially good, a few of them bad - but all part of the rich tapestry of life.

This one today is specially good because it's me on my bike for the first time in a very long time. To be honest, I'd given up all hope of ever being able to get on a bike again - but that was before the miracle of the new hips.

If you have - thanks for sharing my thousand blips with me. It gives me such a buzz to think that there's someone out there who is interested enough to have a look.

Come with me on the next thousand ....................

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