By lizzie_birkett

My Old Hands

I’ve had a lovely day mostly by myself today.
Frank took Tonya and Yurii and Bella up a hill early this morning and dropped them in Skipton after that for their Job Centre appointment, so it was late afternoon when they got back. Frank then had our friend Jim over in the music room to play some songs together.
I spent the morning doing some housework, cleaning living room and the downstairs windows, upstairs can wait.
Then I sat down and wrote poems and did some reading.
When the sun went to front of the house I sat out the back and it was lovely  in the shade. Frank came and joined me - I had a cider and he had a beer.
It was funny sitting there listening to Yurii making our dinner with Beatles music playing in the kitchen. Some neighbours came to the back fence and spoke to Tonya and made her feel very welcome.
When I went to village shop earlier a lady I know - Eunice - asked how they were getting on and she gave me £20 to give to them to help with bus fares. So nice of her.
Tomorrow they are going to their first English Lesson in The Folly Cafe in Settle. There will be other Ukrainians there so that will be nice for them.
I pottered around in the garden for a bit early evening, it was so pleasant.

Todays Poem:

I love these old hands of mine
although they are not pretty,
each wrinkle and swollen joint
tells its story of dexterity,
they have served me well 
these past sixty eight years
from holding my babies
and wiping away tears.
Carrying out my day job
and all the household chores,
drawing, gardening, baking,
needlework and so much more.
I even built a fire surround
when I was young and fit 
I wonder if it’s still standing
I was rather proud of it.
These hands have enabled me
to fasten, fix and carry out tasks
If they serve me a few years longer
There’s nothing more I could ask.

Yesterdays Poem:

The Garden in August

How glorious are the flowers 
in our little garden just now.
I love to while away the hours
just watching them grow.
Dead heading the Roses so
new buds form and bloom,
Honeysuckle and Lavender, 
fill the air with sweet perfume.
As I go about the borders
tidying, cutting and weeding -
Calendula, Poppies and Pansies
go about their self seeding.

Goodnight :-)X

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