
By Mindseye


God awful night….. my neighbours nextdoor but two had a fire!

At 3am we were all woken up by the car alarms, then explosions, lots of shouting, we were all outside in our nightwear, praying the fire brigade would hurry up, seemed an age before they came…… flames were at least 10ft tall! They all managed to escape out the back and through to their other neighbours back garden.

So fortunate there was no wind, otherwise the trees & shrubs in mine, nextdoor and nextdoor but ones’ gardens would have gone up too.

Two engines came, put out both cars, the front of the house/integrated garage and office, they managed to save the house although its completely smoke & water damaged, no electrics or water, boiler melted……be months before they can move back in ! Seems an electrical fire started it in their Mercedes.

The blip was taken from my en-suite window around 5 this morning…… needless to say none of us had much sleep last night

Been really emotional and shaky today……not felt like doing very much at all tbh, my back garden & car are covered in ash, not a sight I needed to see :-(

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