
No one reading this Blip needs telling that it’s hot, we on the coast are fortunate in sea breezes, or are we? Seeing the condition of some of the visitors to our towns beaches either the cooling breeze gives them the feeling that they are not burning or, more likely, it’s Cornish sun, it’s not as hot as Spains sun so you don’t burn.
We watched some youngsters with really pale skin, it’s stands out on a blue background, on paddle boards and wondered in what condition they would be later.
The accumulative effect of hot days, humid nights and conditions none of us are used to is making us all a little tireder, a little crankier.

Having Joshua and Tiana with us is great, we enjoy every minute understanding that it won’t be long until they head north again. Mrs S particularly enjoys having her nest full although this is her last day of her holiday.

Todays photo; one of the famous abandoned mine workings out near St Just.

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