Who Doesn’t Like A Bargain

Joshua & Tiana having travelled all the way down from Forres, 740 miles and 15 hours, are settled and relaxing into their holiday with us. The same cannot be said for Karla, their miniature Daschund who although known by them as “Sausage” is also know as the “Tiny Terrorist”, I guess Paddy and her will settle into some sort of routine.

Whenever the weather is a bit ‘iffy’ Sam borrows my cagoule, today, whilst down town we came across one for her in a charity shop. Brand new, original tags in at one third the original price it fits her well, folds away into her bag and is what she has been looking for.

A meeting free day but with Emails winging in looking to set up the next one.

The aches and pains from yesterdays long row have diminished and I feel ok, now if I could just stop my late evening reading and turn in at a reasonable time I might not feel so tired.

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