Lost peal
"To lose one may be regarded as a misfortune, to lose two looks like carelessness." Oscar Wilde could well have been a bellringer given that a second peal was lost today after about 80 minutes. This was very surprising as the conductor was the same guy who conducted the bellringing for the Jubilee. They have one more chance to complete a full peal when they ring with the public present tomorrow. I understand local and national television will be there if news priorities do not squeeze the story out. The explanatory displays are up around the church and already people are popping in. The ringers are complaining of ringing in the heat but they have an afternoon off as they have been invited to visit Perpignan cathedral carillon with its 46 fixed bells.
In the morning I had a tennis lesson and then in the afternoon I had a notification that my driving licence exchange request has been accepted and I will receive my French licence when I send my English one in to them. That will be one more administrative hurdle overcome hopefully. I have been jumping over them for two years now!
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