Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Blanes, Day 6

An early breakfast and our usual 2nd coffee in the area just off the breakfast area. A bit of necessary stuff when we did a laundry load in La Wash,  just round the corner from the hotel.  Then decided to walk round the back streets and to the Santa Marta (?) church.  Lovely streets, narrow,  shaded and quiet.  The church was closed, but not to worry.  More walking and by then  we needed a wee bite to eat and sat down in one place, a bit touristy,  and decided we'd prefer to walk back to The Shack, where we were yesterday and  closer to our hotel. We got the same table as yesterday (creatures of routine) and some cheesy nachos and onion rings.  Some Yatzee playing and now back in the hotel for a wee evening siesta. There was even some rain on the way back to the hotel,  but I doubt if it's enough to break the heat.  Dinner in an hour or so. 

Edit: not a great shot,  but added an extra from our balcony tonight for our records.

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