Amber Warning of Extreme Heat No2 - Day 2

My Japanese Anemone has started to flower but the blooms are about half the size they usually are. This flower opened this morning but by midday it was already looking the worse for wear, and by the end of the day had totally curled up in the heat. 33 degrees in the shade, hotter in the sun, and even hotter in the house! Another sleepless night ahead...

Difficult day with both patients really suffering in the heat, mum more than dad this time. Quite concerned about her, despite GP calling today to say her recent blood results are reassuring, in the short term. If it’s not one thing it’s another...

Thank you for your kind words, stars and hearts. Waiting on hospice carer for advice. Will try and pop by and sprinkle stars at some point...

PS Sorry my journal has become a catalogue of woes.
PPS I managed to stay upright today and not fall over!

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