Rabbit Island

Today was meant to be a relaxing sort of recovery day after all the excitement of the last 10 days but it didn't quite happen!  Caught up with a bit of card delivering int he morning, enjoyed a swim with Himself and lunch by the pond, then in the afternoon I went out towards Castlehaven parish again - third time this week! This time I was joining them on a history walk.  It's Heritage Week here and tons of interesting activities are planned all overt the country. I nearly didn't go as the temperature was hovering just below 30C but there was a sea breeze and it was bearable. This was a gentleish circular route from Myross Bridge to Squince harbour, the things of interest being pointed out enroute.  There was a lot of gazing into field where things had once been, tales of smugglers and hard lives, of rum and whiskey taken with bad results. The views again where incredible, This is looking out to Rabbit Island which once had about 28 people living on it - and a holy well, which moved to the mainland after a pilgrim was drowned, drink having been taken. I was very amused to be introduced as the doyenne of holy wells! 
A swim on the way home and a delicious salad waiting for me. Now collapse. We're watching Neil Gaiman's; Sandman  - odd but Morpheus is rather good. 

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