The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog


Dear O'H dear & Lovely Tea Jenny,

In weather this hot, I think that the way Murphy acts is the way my head feels.. taking 4 steps, deciding it’s all a bit too much, lying back down and sighing

I went to have my hair cut after work but just as I arrived in the centre of town, Lorena texted to say she was running late. I had about an hour to kill so I decided as it was a lovely sunny day, to get a juice and sit in Princes St gardens.

In the 5 minute walk to Pret, the plan had already changed to sitting inside. I also popped into M&S food hall, decided it was the best place in the world and wondered if anyone had ever been arrested for refusing to leave the refrigerated aisles or actually lying down in one of the freezers!

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