The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

On The Spot Diagnosis

Dear O'H dear & Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Explorer was having a garden party for her sister, Songbird’s 50 birthday today.

I really wasn’t looking forward to it as The Explorer and I don’t keep in touch much these days but it was a nice night. There were lots of people there and it was lovely to see Songbird. I haven’t seen her since before the pandemic. She looked lovely in her gorgeous pink dress and was having an absolute ball. The Explorer’s children, Diego & Alicia played the drums and pipes when the cake came out and Songbird was dancing with pure joy.

The Prince was a bit p1shed. He ended up chatting to Physio Paul and deciding that it would be a great time to stick his hip out and declare “My hip’s sore. What’s wrong with it?” before telling Physio Paul that he was pretty sure he needed a hip replacement.

It made me glad that I work in IT and not healthcare. No drunk person has ever wanted to talk to me about computers!


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