Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

This is the only image I have taken today. I have been reunited with my houseplants. They have been cared for beautifully and I am overjoyed to have them back under my roof. Following their return I did a lot of clucky plant-mothering involving more than one trip for compost/tools/potting accessories so that I could redistribute them about the place. There will likely be more images later in the week to show off how the baby yucca is progressing, the toilet rose and other treats.
I have also worked hard this weekend on expanding my local social life and there are now more people locally who know my name, will call out to me from a bit of a distance, and I'm trying desperately hard to remember names. So many introductions in the last week or two.
I also got my laundry out on the line, and back in again having dried.
Very tired. Very happy.

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