Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

When spouse & I first moved to Greece we lived in a rented apartment in the village while our house was being built. We called our neighbours the Gimlis because of their outstanding natural beauty (not). One day Nina Gimli popped round to show off her new trainers so we politely asked where she had bought them. From the van apparently. We thought the van sold fish, but what we didn't know was that there were several vans selling several different things. We couldn't tell them apart because at that stage we didn't understand a word of Greek. We joked with Nina about the trainer van selling Reeboks at 7€/kilo. We thought it was hilarious but Nina didn't get it at all, perhaps because she had never bought fish from the fish van.
And so when I saw this in Bedford today I absolutely had to go in and see if it was real.
And bloody hell yes it is!
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I emerged a little while later with 3 pairs of trousers and 3 shirts, all properly made in natural fabrics, all comfortable enough to cycle 4 miles in and all smart enough for the new job. They weighed a few grams over 2.2kg which works out at roughly £10 for trousers and £5 for a shirt.

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