
By LifeLines

Journey of Life

The ‘patient’ (see yesterday’s blip) had a good night and day so we are most grateful. Meantime I’ve enjoyed walking and entertaining Merlin and pottering at home, creating meals, and even doing gardening in the heat - cutting down dead plants!

One couple of our neighbours’ were married yesterday. It’s been a joy to watch them and their family celebrate (it’s been a drawn out affair starting on Weds and still taking place this evening), to hear our village the church bells ring for them and think of the excitement they must be feeling for the future ahead of them.

As I walked Merlin at 8pm, the sun was setting. It’s been another warm day at 28 degrees but it is due to be much cooler by Tuesday. I’m looking forward to that.

This afternoon I’ve been reading the book titled ‘Embers’ by Richard Wagamese. I turn to it often for guidance and inspiration.

Hoping your day has been kind to you x

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