Ms Mars

Thanks for your good wishes. My restful day yesterday has paid off as I feel much improved today. The trick now is to keep it up!

I’ve mainly been inside today, working at my desk, and feeling grateful not to be outside in the rain. Andy and Merlin got wet several times.

To keep myself feeling positive I’ve had a few gentle walks and this evening I’ve been to the allotment. Just a few non-harvesting days have led to an abundance of courgettes, marrows and French beans. I’ve also picked plums, blackberries, and tomatoes.

I timed my visit well, the sky was just clearing and the sun came out. All was still and in the village the church bells were ringing. All very agreeable to me.

My blip is of some short sunflowers called ‘Ms Mars’ which I’ve grown at my allotment. They are all of 60cm high, I think because they have been bred to grow in pots and for cutting for flower arrangements. I quite like them.

Hoping you’ve had something cheerful happen in your day too.

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