
By lindseypinsey


Well what a surprise today. Walking to my friends this evening and get a text from my partner to tell me my cat Poppy has had a kitten!!!

Now the back story to this is that - this week I had thought that Poppy looked a bit bigger then normal and that she was eating everything I put out very quickly. I had googled this and looked at the signs of pregnancy in cats but apart from eating a lot and looking slightly bigger then normal none of the other signs seemed to fit.

So I thought I'll leave it a bit and see if anything else happens or just growing so needs more food then normal.

Then my partner comes home on Friday and I asked him and he agreed that she may possibly be pregnant. So we googled what to do - it said a cat is pregnant for up to 64 days so we thought we had at least another month. However my partner felt we should get a box out the garage and encourage her to go in it so she hopefully had the kittens in it rather then some random place in the house. Which he did asap.

Very good thinking as that evening out pops a kitten. I receive the text and think my partner is joking and ignore the text as I am just walking to a friends house to discuss beavers and carnivals. Then get a phone call a few minutes later and him asking if I got the text so I said yes just thought you were winding me up, but he says again no she's had a kitten.

I got him to put my youngest on the phone as I didn't believe him, she's completely backing him up saying there is a kitten. But I am still in two minds.
I ask if I need to come home to be told no there isn't anything you can do and on the internet says we shouldn't touch the kittens for at least a week - so I got off the phone still wondering if she had or this was a wind up.

Then about 10 mins later I received a picture message with a picture of Poppy and her kitten. I get home about 10.30pm and she has had a second one.

Luckily/thankfully there is only two kittens and everything has gone smoothly and no problems. Also thinking we will easily be able to find two loving homes for them and when I text a friend to say we have two she wants one immediately.

I am hoping to give both away to friends so the children can part easily with them and they will be able to still get updates and see the kittens as they grow.

You may wonder why we hadn't got Poppy done but the truth is she very rarely leaves the house and even when she has she has been in our garden with us. We have two cats and our other is a male but we got him sorted soon as we could.

We will now be getting Poppy sorted as soon as we possibly can as we really don't want anymore kittens.

They are lovely to just and sit and watch and the kids love them already but they do keep saying one is for a friend so they have accepted that fairly easily.

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